Providing legal aid for our immigrant neighbors in Kentucky

LGBTQIA+ Friendly Lawyers

all are welcome

LGBTQIA+ affirming lawyers

LGBTQIA+ affirming lawyers

We welcome all, regardless of your gender or sexuality.

Are you LGBTQIA+ and married or plan to marry? We would be honored to help you stay in the United States with your partner.

Are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and fear harm in your home country? You may have have an asylum claim that would allow you to stay in the United States. We can help you evaluate your options.

Damos la bienvenida a todos, independientemente de su género o sexualidad.

¿Eres LGBTQIA+ y estás casado o planeas casarte? Será un honor para nosotros ayudarlo a permanecer en los Estados Unidos con su pareja.

¿Eres miembro de la comunidad LGBTQIA+ y temes sufrir daños en tu país de origen? Es posible que tenga una solicitud de asilo que le permitiría permanecer en los Estados Unidos. Podemos ayudarlo a evaluar sus opciones.